Pandemic Puppy Care

Congrats on your new furry friend!

So you welcomed a new furry family member into your home during the pandemic season…

First of all, CONGRATS!

Second, you probably have a few questions about that adorably curious new puppy sidekick.

We’ve got you covered.

There are definitely some dos and don’ts about having and training a new puppy! Group the stress of a pandemic with potty training woes, perfecting basic manners, and making sure your favorite pair of shoes stay intact, and your head is BOUND to be spinning!

We want to help (virtually, of course).

We have a PDF checklist available that will go over EVERYTHING you need to know about having a new pup in the house; from socialization, to vaccine schedules, to training tips, and everything in between. Consider it your favorite reading material for the foreseeable future!

We want you and your adorable new friend to succeed.

Enter your information below and we’ll email you your checklist.

Sign up for our pandemic puppy mailing list!



Mon-Fri: 8:30am-6:00pm

Sat-Sun: Closed


4750 Oceanside Blvd.
Suite A2
Oceanside, CA 92056

Get in touch!

Have a question? Our team is here to help!

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Save time and request your next appointment online. We look forward to seeing you!

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We are proud to work with PetDesk and offer our clients a wonderful way to keep up with their pet's care.