The new year is around the corner, and everyone is thinking about what New Year’s resolutions they will make this year. Why not have your furry friend join you? Here are 5 ideas for New Year’s resolutions for your pets.
1. Take More Long Walks
There’s nothing quite like a walk to put things into perspective — and having your beloved dog at your side only makes it better. Plus, on rainy days or when you just don’t want to get out of bed, a little whimper and a nudging snout are excellent motivation. This year, let’s all pledge to take more long walks with our dogs. It’ll make us healthier, it’ll improve our bond with our best friends, and it’s a relaxing way to get fit.
2. Get Active in the Kitchen
It seems like every day there’s a new app making it easier to order in — but this year, let’s spend a little more time getting creative in the kitchen. With a few simple ingredients you likely have on hand, you can whip up a batch of dog-friendly cookies in no time.
3. Go on More Adventures
Feeling a little uninspired? Trapped in your Netflix and takeout routine? There’s no better encouragement to get out there and explore than your dog’s wagging tail at the front door. Look up dog-friendly hiking trails, find a nearby dog-friendly happy hour (that’s a “yappy hour” for you newbies), or break up your walk routine and check out a new neighborhood together. Get out there and explore the city with your dog at your side!
4. Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Whether you have a rambunctious puppy or a sweet senior dog, it’s never too late for training. The main requirements? Patience and treats. This year, make a pledge to help your dog learn a few new tricks. The mental stimulation alone will tucker them out, and you’ll likely have a happier pup on your hands. From walking well on a leash to coming when called, these videos from Animal Planet take you step by step through 10 easy dog-training exercises.
5. Pick Up Some Healthier Treats
OK, sharing an ice cream cone from time to time is actually the absolute best. But with health in mind, I’m on the lookout for tasty dog treats that’ll keep my dog feeling good (not clearing the room). Rewarding your dog is a great way to encourage good behavior — but you don’t want to over-reward and come face to face with an unhealthy or overweight pet. Try single-ingredient treats like carrots or sardines, or pick up a box of dental chew treats like Greenies Dental Chews ($40) — that’s two resolutions in one: better hygiene and a healthy treat.
With these New Year’s resolutions, you and your pet will be off to a happy and healthy new year! If you have questions about your pet’s health, give us a call.